Make stress vanish
in 5 minutes a day
Live in the moment & experience inner peace
Take a moment to breath, and stop to reconnect with yourself. Stop, just stop. We are all stressed, distracted, and pulled in different directions. It’s time to regain control of what you want in life.
With diligent practice you’ll start to become aware that you already are in control. By focusing your energy toward goals that help balance your stress, and lifestyle choices to accomplish your dreams.
Take a moment to gently breathe in and out, just flowing with ease. Make Stress Vanish will help you get the peace of mind you deserve from inner confidence and strength to deal with any difficulties.
This is a self-study video training you can watch anytime and as often as you like.
It includes a PDF with a written version of the 5-minute routine, plus email support and video inspiration.
Are you ready? I am here to help you every step of the way.
Hello, I’m Borghild Bø — as a psychologist, author and explorer I help people create what they want from life. I combine the philosophies and practices of the East and West into my practical and transformative approach to teaching — what I call the Connect • Focus • Flow™ self-awareness practice.
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