Mantra for peace and harmony

On his visit to Bergen, Rinpoche kindly share some tips on how we can focus our mind and connect more deeply with ourselves – so we can deal more confidently with difficult situation and feel more at peace and in harmony.



Rinpoche asks you to sit quietly in meditation – without thinking – for 5 minutes a day.

Um Mani Padme Hum Mantra

In the video below, Rinpoche shares the powerful Um Mani Padme Hum mantra he believes will help you to focus your mind and overcome any challenges such as fear, stress and worry.

He says the mantra purifies and protects you from negative energies and enhances positive energy.

Listen to and / or chant the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra at least seven times before a difficult situation or after, and notice how it helps you find peace, balance and confidence to deal with any challenges; and ultimately overcome stress and fear. As a result you get a clear mind and feel more happiness in harmony with yourself and your surroundings.

The Om Mani Padme Hum is a significant and powerful mantra for peace and compassion. It’s a blessing from Avalokiteshavara (Sanskrit) and Chenrezig (Tibetan). The first known description of the mantra appears in the Karandavyuha Sutra (佛說大乘莊嚴寶王經/ The Buddha Teaches the Sutra of Mahayana King’s Sublime Treasure), which is part of certain Mahayana canons such as the Tibetan’s. The sutra stated that Shakyamuni Buddha said, “This is the most beneficial mantra, even I made this aspiration to all the million Buddhas and subsequently received this teaching from the Buddha Amitabha.”


The journey of empowerment

All you have to do is – listen and / or chant with an open mind. By doing so you start on a journey of empowerment. When the mind is quiet and calm, we connect even deeper with our sub-conscious self so we can hear the wisdom of our mind, heart and soul whispering. As a result your true self will emerge and you feel more aware and empowered to approach life from a place of inner peace and confidence.

Om Mani Padme Hum song

On my trip to Nepal for the first time, many years ago, I heard the Om Mani Padme Hum song below as I walked around the stupa in Boudha, Kathmandu with hundreds of others – monks, nuns, tourists and local people. This song alone takes us on a journey of deep inner peace, compassion and joy.

I listen to it often and every time a vibration permeates my body with a sense of blissful compassion and inner peace. It’s a great way to focus the mind and connect more deeply with our inner truth and acceptance of our true nature.

May this mantra fill you with the vibration of inner peace and joy.

If you find this post helpful, please make a comment and share.

With peace & joy!

~ Borghild

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